



The Water/Sewer Department has moved to a new billing system.  Please note if you were set up on Auto Pay before, you will need to sign up again using the website provided on the bottom portion of your bill.

This is the link to pay your water bill online, you will however need to have your account number which is located on your bill.






The North East Township will be implementing a GIS Mapping System (geographic information system).
We want to inform you, if you see the NE Township Water Dept. Crew in your neighborhood they are locating curb stops for GIS purposes.




Water & Sewer Department

Water & Sewer Supervisor
Fredrick "Fritzer" W. Shunk 

Water & Sewer Administrative Assistant
Shelly Newara


Water & Sewer Crew
Donny Fuller
Greg Burick
Sean Lewis

Jacob Gilbert

Water & Sewer Authority

 Gordon Post, Chairman                                                                                                                         

 Bill Heald, Vice-Chairman 
 Rick Hall, Secretary 
 Teresa Sculley, Treasurer 
 Guy Steg
 James Konzel
Fredrick W. Shunk

The Water & Sewer Authority will meet on an as needed basis. 

 If you have items you would like addressed please call Deb at the Water & Sewer Administration office to be put on the agenda for upcoming meetings. 




Water & Sewer Minutes

Jan. 28' 19                           Oct. 26, '20                            Jan. 23, '22 Minutes          Dec 27, '22 Minutes            Feb 26, '24 Minutes           

Apr. 22 '19                           Jan. 25, '21 Agenda               Feb 22, '22 Minutes           Jan 23, '23 Minutes            Mar 25, '24  Minutes
May 20 '19                           Nov. 30, '20 Minutes              Mar 28, '22 Minutes           Feb 27, '23 Minutes            Apr 22, '24  Minutes
Aug. 26 '19                          Jan. 25, '21 Minutes               Apr 25, '22 Minutes           Mar 27, '23 Minutes             Jun 24, '24 Minutes
Sept. 25 '19                         Apr. 26, '21 Minutes               June 27, '22 Minutes         Jun 23, '23 Minutes

Jan. 20, '20                         June 29, '21 Minutes              Aug 22, '22 Minutes           July 24, '23 Minutes
April 29, '20 Agenda                                                           Sept 26, '22 Minutes         Sept 25, '23 Minutes

Mar 16, '20                                                                         Oct 24, '22 Minutes            Oct 23, '23 Minutes
Apr. 29, '20                                                                         Nov 27, '22 Minutes

Township Engineer

Greenman -Pederson, Inc.

GPI designs water and sewer lines and pump stations.

They also review subdivision and storm water plans that are submitted to the Township.

