General Information

North East Township consists of 129 miles of roads and highways, 75 miles are Township roads and 54 miles are State roads.

Township roads consist of tar and chip, asphalt, and gravel and dirt. Hours of operation are:                              

Mon. thru Fri: 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Contrary to popular belief, our plow drivers do not, intentionally, put more snow in your driveway than your neighbors! It's all about location, location, location.  Any snow that builds up on the plow blade is, naturally, deposited at the first opening.  If you are that first driveway after the plow turns the corner, you are going to get a LOT more snow.  We also don't plow the end of your driveway in on purpose.  Again, the snow WILL go into the first available opening, no matter what we can do.  If you don't want your driveway plowed in, you can clear an area at least 15 feet wide and a couple of feet deep to the right side of your driveway (as you face it from the road).  This will allow a plow blade full of snow to be deposited BEFORE it reaches your driveway.

Snow Rules

General Code section 269-21 thru 269-25

From Oct. 15th thru March 31st there is NO PARKING on any Township road or street due to snow plowing.  Violators will be fined and/or vehicle towed. No snow or ice shall be deposited upon any roadways or berms, nor shall snow or ice be plowed across public roads or streets. Please use caution when approaching a Township Snow Plow Vehicle - Slow down save lives!

Roads Department

Road Superintendent

August Neff 


Road Assistant
Bill Davis


Road Crew

Dave Eisaman

Randy Walker 

Jim Crisman

Jason Orton

Fred Waters

Mike Carlstrom